eBook: Entdecke die Heilkraft der ayurvedischen Ernährung

Ayougalicious - Discover the healing power of Ayurvedic nutrition

You want to take care of your own health?


Welcome to the ayougalicious nutrition guide and discover the healing power of Ayurvedic nutrition.


This guide empowers you to integrate Ayurvedic wisdom into your diet and make health-promoting choices along your path.


You will understand your individual constitution (Dosha type), learn to choose your food according to your specific needs, know how to apply essential Ayurvedic principles to keep your body in its natural balance and thereby, improve your overall well-being.


Get inspired by over 40 delicious, plant-based and healthy recipes that will make you feel nourished, balanced, and happy. Each recipe you find in this guide allows for individual adjustments. You are unique and so should be your diet.


Start your healthy life NOW!

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