♥︎ Breathe2Heal Group Session ♥︎ 1x/month
️ Friday, 10:30 - 12:00 Canary time (WEZ)
@Finca el Drago inLa Orotava, Tenerife
Scheduled dates: 17. January, 28. February, 21. of March 2025
In case you want to join, please send me a Whats App:
What is Breathwork?
“A few sessions of Breathwork are equivalent to two years of psychotherapy.” (Henry Rohrberg, American psychologist)
Our breathing pattern is an unmistakable reflection of our condition and provides information about
Your emotional state
- Formative experiences of the past
- Ability to empathize, trust and willpower
- Connection of intuition & mind
- Acute or suppressed setbacks, anger, traumas
- General attitude to life
and so much more...
How does a Healing Breathe2Heal Session work?
After an initial Meditation you formulate your intention of the day. It will arise straight from your heart, so that you know, for which miracle you dedicate your session.
A Breathwork session consists of 3 phases in which I guide you through my instructions and ensure that your breathing pattern opens up and your prana, your life energy, can flow freely again.
1. The movement phase: The body gets used to the breathing pattern. The breath is connected. I explain more about this in the video on the technique.
2. The emotional phase: In this phase, blocked emotions can show themselves and be released. The breath is your anchor and guides you safely through the process - supported by my more than 10 years of experience and expertise.
3. The Relaxation and integration phase: Here you can let go completely and surrender. This is the integration phase, in which mystical experiences often take place. A lot becomes clear in this phase. You see and feel what is important to you now and have come a good deal closer to yourself again.
The class will be hold in english.
Falls Du mehr über mich, oder die Atemarbeit wissen möchtest, kannst Du Dich auf meiner Seite umsehen:
high balance WebsiteEs gibt GESCHENKE!
Hol´Dir jetzt Deine kostenlose Atem Videoserie! Ich verspreche Dir, Du wirst dabei jede Menge über Dich lernen, denn: So, wie Du atmest, so lebst Du!
=> Hier geht es zur kostenlosen Atem Videoserie.
Vielleicht interessieren Dich auch folgende Angebote:
- Ausbildung zum Atemtrainer (Online)
- Ausbildung zum Breathwork Healing Coach (live auf Teneriffa)
- Atemtraining (Kostenloses Webinar)
- Individuelles Breathwork Coaching (Online)
Ich freue mich auf Dich
Deine Nicola