Hatha Yoga, explore the poses and observe their effects. Work to master them.

Yoga for Self-awareness

Teilnehmeranzahl: 4-12

Each class of the course starts with a physical AND mental warm-up (Sun salutations and breathing exercises).

The class follows a sequence of postures meant to target most muscles and bones in our body, balancing stretching and strengthening. 

While keeping the postures and during the transitions I invite to observe the sensations in the body and to develop self-awareness.

I support the students actively with verbal and physical adjustments.

The class closes with a final relaxation. 

I like to use the words "slow vinyasa" to describe my classes' style. With these words I mean that there is actually a flow, as each posture is kept for a few breaths and it is followed by a smooth transition to the next posture. However, I like giving each student the time to enter the pose, get familiar with it and explore it. Therefore the class is in fact a Hatha Yoga class. 



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