Aufgrund der aktuellen Gesundheitslage ist dies ein Live Onlinekurs! Der Link dazu wird dir spätestens eine Stunde vor Kursbeginn in einer separaten E-Mail von Anna direkt zugeschickt. Überprüfe auch deinen Spam Ordner. Bitte Audio und Video (so bist du ganz bei der Sache und es kommt Community Feeling auf) anmachen und eine Matte bereit legen.
The circle will be either in german oder english depending on participants! If due to the current circumstances you are not able to pay the full price, please don't hesitate to reach out to me ( together we'll find a way :)
My moon circles are based on an holistic approach uniting mind, body and soul!
intention is to create a sacred space to deepen into stillness. I will help you to strengthen
and tap into your intuition through various rituals and practices by removing obstacles that
keep you from listening to the voice within. There will be forms of meditations, divination,
setting intentions with the help of oracle cards, essential oils, breath work and so much
Connect with like-minded people sharing lots of laughter and tears! Turn the tide of
disconnection and give yourself the time and space to gather in a beautiful, supportive
environment to let go of the old so you can grab on to the new feeling free and powerful.
Let’s come together to spend an evening of liberation, surrender, alignment and celebration!
Each ceremony is based on the current moon’s energy.
About me
I am Anna and I am more than happy and excited to meet you soon! At this time, I find my
greatest joy in connecting with humans in a real and authentic way while sharing my gifts
and experiences on a heart-based level. Living with a chronic health condition for many
years I know how important it is to have a deep and honest connection with my body, mind,
heart & soul. In search of healing on a physical and emotional level I discovered many
holistic treatments and spiritual practices. I am thankful for every part of my journey which
allows me to now offer my support as a personal coach, yin yoga and meditation teacher,
sound healing practitioner and cacao ceremony facilitator.