Sound Healing

(Online) Sound Healing Course Level 1 - Two Day Course

Teilnehmeranzahl: 4-9

Welcome to a certified two day training in Sound Healing and Crystal Bowls. This course is designed to introduce you into the world and wisdom of Sound Healing & Therapy on a scientific, practical and spiritual level.

Medical Doctor, Sound Therapist and Yoga Therapist Lisa will guide you through the knowledge about Sound. Early in her medical studies she suffered from a chronic pain syndrome which left her feeling powerless as the Western Medicine didn’t have answers to her dis-ease. Eventually she started looking for other possibilities to find healing. That’s when she discovered music and sound which had a detrimental part in her healing journey. Ever since she graduated it is one of her life missions to bring Sound Therapy and the frequencies out in this world.

So more people can heal.
So more people can find peace.
So more people can live their purpose.

Lisa will guide you through a journey of Sound Healing the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of it. 

We will explore the scientific parts about it and the energetic ones as well. 
We will discover the range of instruments which can be used and how to build up your unique journeys through Sound.
We will address different different health problems and how Sound can be used to help deal with them on a deeper level. From depression, anxieties to working with kids and people in the process of dying, we will cover all the different modalities and what is important to pay attention to in each case.
We will start to discover our own voice and the power it has on our as well as on the system of others! Our voice is one of the most potent instruments!

You will have a practical part to learn how to use Tibetian and Crystal Bowls and other instruments that speak to you, how to play and maintain them. 

Can’t wait to share this and so much more with you in this immersion!

We will start to discover our own voice and the power it has on our as well as on the system of others! Our voice is one of the most potent instruments!

The course includes subjects like:


* What is Sound Therapy and Sound Healing?

* What are Crystal Sound Bowls and Tibetian Bowls and how do they work? 

* Take care of your instruments

* How to meditate with Sound and developing a daily routine

* How Chakras and Sound are related

* How the glands in the body and Sound are related

* The Power of Intentions 

* How to use the voice in your Sound Sessions

* Create your „Soulmantra“ being guided by the frequencies

* When shouldn’t I use Sound?

* Learn to play a range of instruments & how differentiate your sessions by combining sound with guided self-reflection and meditations


* Why Sound has been used for thousands of years and why it is so powerful

* How Sounds effect the body, mind and spirit 

* Brainwave States and the Science of Listening

* Nervous System explained and how Sound affects it

* Deep Listening as a Meditation Practice 

* The relationship of quantum, cells and emotions

* The physical and mental benefits of Sound Therapy

* Research results discussions


* Playing Techniques 

* What are harmonic sounds? How loud should I play? 

* How do I create a balancing and relaxing soundscape? 

* Exploring the voice through exercises 

* Training to give and receive Sound Therapy sessions (on each other)

* Humming exercises


* How to create a safe space for healing and transformation?

* How should I prepare myself before playing the bowls (state of mind, intentions, health)


* training and guidance with all the knowledge about Sound Therapy

* manual with detailed infos

* materials and resources

* Sound Therapy Certificate (from MD Lisa Schuster)

* Individual follow-up within 4 weeks after the course is finished

You don’t need any instruments in advance for this online course. 

Bring just yourself and your energy or if you already own therapy instruments bring them along!


You will be gifted a follow up check-in for 8 weeks weeks after your training. This is a chance to check in and see if you have any questions, comments, or observations you’d like to share from your Sound experiences since the training.   


This course is for anyone who has been moved by the Power of Sound. For Musicians, Healers, Therapists, Yogis, Meditators, Mystics, Psychologists, Philosophers, Teachers, Medical Workers, Medicine Workers, Song Carriers People who are ready to shift and lift; to open and ignite and to listen to the subtleties of stillness and silence and who want to understand Sound from a scientific side as well.

Lisa Schuster ist Ärztin, Yoga - & Klangtherapeutin.
Schon früh während ihres Studiums faszinierte sie die Kraft der Musik und Meditation. Deshalb verfolgt sie nun einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz mit ihren Patienten und Klienten, indem sie das Wissen ihres Studiums mit dem der östlichen Medizin verbindet. 
Vor allem in der Klangtherapie hat sie neue Ansätze entwickelt, bei denen sie mit speziellen Kristallklangschalen arbeitet, die sehr reine Frequenzen regenerieren, die uns helfen wieder in unser Selbstheilungspotential zu treten.

Lisa Schuster is a Medical Doctor, Sound & Yoga Therapist, she found her true purpose in combining Western medicine with music to help people step into their potential to release unhealed traumas and consequently be able to live a life they truly love and deserve. During the years of work with Sound she evolved her very own techniques and ways to work with crystal singing bowls and other high vibrational instruments. She shares this knowledge in her courses and workshops all over the world.

Den Link zur Onlinesession erhältst du direkt mit der Buchungsbestätigung. You will receive the link for the online session immediately with the booking confirmation.

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